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Tacoma, WA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I've been writing every since I can remember. I've had requests to write songs for weddings. I've even been published in a national trucking magazine called Truckers News. The online version can be seen at (keep in mind that, although this is the second publication of this poem by them, they've left out a line in both instances, so it doesn't flow).

I'm writing a futuristic sci-fi, one fiction about a country crocheter, three instruction books on crochet, tatting and knitting; along with original design patterns and I'm working on a journal about living around people with Alzheimer's.

My hobbies are crafts (knitting, crochet, tatting, bobbin lace making-which I'm very new at, designing patterns and many more) and my hobbies are photography, writing, sketching, drawing, acrylic and oil painting. I'm sure there's a lot more (like pets and plants) but I'm sure I can't remember them all.