I miss the mornings.The moment that I would find her there.Still with me,after the night's destructiveness.Dressed in a complete absence of fabric.Now..
Curious. Cautious.
Unable to escape the intrigue of your company.Like a moth orbiting brilliance.
I am captivated by your al..
As we walk together,
I speak in circles,
hunting for composure
as though grasping at fireflies.
Later this night, I pace a..
I must go.I can no longer sustain your danger.You are completely perfect for me.ButI only annoy you,I yield rage upon your tongue.Hence, I take my lea..
Forgive my cowardice.
I want to admit it.
To myself and to you.
You would not let me avoid you,I wanted to, but you stood right behind me,Impelling my body to concede to your orbit.I knew you were there.So did you...
One month.I avoided the heat of your rebuke.Found ways to detour your presence.Today you walked through my unlocked door.Unexpected. But very welcome...
My shoes are scuffed.The cuff of my pant leg is dirty.The nail under my ring finger needs trimming.I busy myself with a self-inventory,chronicling the..
Why did you smile at me today?Magnificent piercing eyes.Don't you know how you melt me?Yesterday you asked me about her.I said I thought she was proba..
You are inside my thoughts,
within my bones,
touching delicate nerves,
like a bruised boxer being mashed against the ropes.