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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Then he said to Scheherazade: "Sister, for the sake of Allah, tell us a story that will help pass the night..."
--A Thousand and One Tales of the Arabian Nights

I'm Benarsi (you probably deduced that from my user name) and yes, it really is my real name. It's Hindu, if you didn't know, a gift from my late grandmother, Benarsi Devima. Most call me Benny because the formality my full name imposes seems strange for the world I live in.

I enjoy artichokes, Valencian clementines and writing.

I'm vegetarian (but it's not because of my Hindu dad, it's because I abhore the killing of animals--my apologies to all those carnivores I offended out there).

I'm usually a timid person; My reviews always have a touch of emoticon: I like to hide behind smiley faces :)

I suffer from chronic Writer's Block, though sometimes my treatment provides me with enough inspiration to write something mildly good.

I collect teddy-bears. Especially the ones bow-tied with plaid ribbons.
I still sleep with stuffed animals. :) They help me remember.
I have a strange interest in the clasification of Protozoos.
I'm tri-lingual and strange. I like asking random questions to random people on the subway and then writing about it.
I still hold late-night TV marathons with my mother; we laugh, we cry, we say the things we are too scared to say in daylight.
I adore calligraphy; the beauty of words never ceases to amze me.
I cry easily; but they tell me I smile easily, too.


Regards :)



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Posted 16 Years Ago

I'm not too far, girl :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I did lose some, yes.

I am ok tho, I am far better off than many. Instead I am writing new, no shortage there thx to my up and down again emotions. LOL

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I did lose some, yes.

I am ok tho, I am far better off than many. Instead I am writing new, no shortage there thx to my up and down again emotions. LOL

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I remember us talking about painful to lose a sibling, a twin with so much growing to do, Dad was old, and not well, but his death was sudden, alot of emotions surface about past things, and we are dealing with things as best we can.........xx

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Smiles, it is good to see the "online" status on your page!

I try and explain what happened. Charlie was making some changes on the site and somehow hit the tab that deleted all writing, not just you but everyones.
It was Feb 5th. Doomsday for all our blood, sweat and tears. Many are gone forever, only those with back ups or those able to retrieve their writing thru Ggls cache and have reposted their writing are here now. Yes, many have left for good :+(

I still get a lump in my throat when I see ppl reposting. I am glad your back. :+)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I have so so missed you, wondered where you went...........
are you okay?
My Daddy died on Monday last and I fly home tomorrow, sad sad time at the mo. xx

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I was just thinking about you! I was so happy to see you online!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a mo? Thank you :)
Shoot the Magpie
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a spare moment could you read me? Thank you x
Hush Your Heart
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago
