'Tis the season of goodwill and giving, (for the lucky most of us.)
Just thoughts on a already warm early summer morning.
A true and evolving story.
A child's laughter fills the shattered classroom,but there are no children, only piles of dustand feral cats licking their lips, as stray dogswith loy..
The old man, (eighty seven I had beentold by the vicar,) looked to be asleep,memories of past glories no doubt crowding his dreams. I smiled, then set..
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!Beware the Jubjub bird, and shunThe frumious Bandersnatch!”Lewis C..
The tear stains are temporary,a passing dampness on plain paper,not yet inscribed with condolence;and my conservatory, ordinarily filled with sunshine..
I attended a lecture on pests yesterdaywhere a very large numbers were present,including a termite who munched noisilyand made life most awfully unple..
There is a difference now. Night used to be when cold sheets becamewarm and 'La petite mort,' was writ largein both heart and mind, when the illusion ..
After school, all in the park, sharing secrets; swings and slides, the traffic barely breathes a sighwhere safe behind the canopy of trees,we took our..