Bardy : Writing

Changing Ones Mind

Changing Ones Mind

A Chapter by Bardy

(Completed November 15, 2017)
Quick Sayings

Quick Sayings

A Book by Bardy

Same Perspective

Same Perspective

A Chapter by Bardy

(Completed November 14, 2017)
Sharing Things With People

Sharing Things With People

A Chapter by Bardy

Created Janurary 1, 2020


A Book by Bardy

Intelligence Being Complicated

Intelligence Being Complicated

A Chapter by Bardy

(Completed November 15, 2017)


A Book by Bardy

Why Her Having Long Hair is Nice

Why Her Having Long Hair is Nice

A Chapter by Bardy

When your girlfriend at the time gets up to go to work real early in the morning. I was still in bed. (Not a morning person) Just before walking out t..
Hershey Kisses

Hershey Kisses

A Chapter by Bardy

It's too bad you're not by me right now. Your heart may get warm from a far but it you surely would find it melting the closer you got. I would have n..