Fleischer knew that anger could be many things.
It could be loud, brash, and prideful.
It could be subtle, or seething, or even righteous..
couldn't help but feel that his bride-to-be…
…his wife "
had no idea what she was getting herself..
Please let
everything be alright.
Please, please let everything be alright
hesitated for a long, tense moment before ope..
up, Nicklaus."
That gruff
voice snapped the boy's eyes open faster than the lights being turned on ever
could. He hadn't been asle..
There was an
unusual sort of peace that had settled over the Fleischer household. That was in large part, Nicklaus thought, due
to the fact that ..
Nicklaus had
been looking forward to spending Christmas with his wife and son. That thought was a beacon of light was what
he tried to focus on "..
Nicklaus had
never liked funerals. The last one he
had attended had been for his father and grandfather. There had been more friends than family
A young man growing up under the Reich fights an inner struggle between his values and the government's, the effect it's had on his doctor's oath, his..