Pen The Willows : Writing

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Pen The Willows

Chapter 2: The English Monster Oh great. My first period class is with Ms. Corvinaria. Worst teacher in the school. Not like, a bad teacher, but like..
My Sandy Wolf

My Sandy Wolf

A Book by Pen The Willows

One of my Twilight fanfictions. Posted here for you people and my friends who can't access it on the original site.


A Poem by Pen The Willows

I don't know. I was inspired by a song.
All Truth Lies

All Truth Lies

A Poem by Pen The Willows

I also found this one in the notebook from third grade!
Dreams Stem Hope

Dreams Stem Hope

A Poem by Pen The Willows

I found this poem in a notebook from the third grade!


A Poem by Pen The Willows

The first two stanzas of this were scrawled on a napkin that I found in my room while cleaning.
I'll Leave You

I'll Leave You

A Poem by Pen The Willows

Found this on a scrap of paper in my room as well. Except it was incomplete. But now it's complete.


A Poem by Pen The Willows

I found this on a loose sheet of paper while cleaning my room. It's dated '08, so it's pretty old.
Lead Rope

Lead Rope

A Poem by Pen The Willows

Dedicated to: Emmy I hope the end comes true!
Never Forget

Never Forget

A Poem by Pen The Willows

I'll Never Forget Who I Am, or Where I Came From, or Where I'm Going I'll Never Forget Who My Friends Are, or Who My Enemies Are, or Who Is..