About MeI am a senior at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, KY...majoring in English. I don't know what I'm going to do with that, though several hundred people have asked me. I will be in college after I graduate (either as an undergrad getting another degree, OR in gradschool...). I currently work at an NPR affiliated radio station as a part-time reporter/producer/board-operator...ah! the multi-faceted nature of my jobby.
Now that that's out of the way: I also like to fish, write (obviously), lift weights, and am facinated by the news and economy. Computers too. I never object to a good party or a good movie. I like to do some woodworking; in the near future I'd like to build a boat, or a really big trunk. Also -I'm a car nut. I used to have a mild obsession with muscle-cars, but, outside of their styling, they've lost all appeal to me. Too much of an impact on the environment, too much motor for not enough practical power...in a sense, they empty a fifty-five gallon drum of water to fill a thimble. Bio-diesel is hardcore (random intejection). Bio-diesel isn't the only thing which is hardcore: anything that can produce a sufficient amount of power without destrying the environment in the process is more hardcore than bio-diesel. Lastly, I am a volunteer fireman- and, as of my writing this, I lack only a few hours of training before I am certified (volunteers are certified and trained in the same manner as commissioned firemen). Tonight, they will teach me to drive the truck... Comments