BIS Safety Software

BIS Safety Software


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"BIS Safety Software is a software company that offers compliance and learning management software for the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) professional. This cloud-based software application includes Training Record Management Software, Classroom Calendar Management Software, a Training Matrix, Online Learning Management Software, Digital Folders, plus Online Forms that are used for site inspections, hazard assessments, incident management, preventive maintenance, competency evaluations, and more.

BIS Safety Software began as a provider of leadership training programs to organizations seeking effective ways to develop and build upon the skills of their management and leadership teams. Because we understood that effective leadership training positively impacts a company’s bottom line, we developed a series of training programs and then tied them to incentives that were awarded when desired results were achieved. These programs were extremely successful; so successful in fact that we were unable to keep up with demand. That’s when we realized that online training was to be an integral part of our future.

Our company invested significant time and effort searching for online service providers who could fulfill our needs. After an exhaustive search, we realized that there just weren’t many options when it came to finding a service provider who could provide all three things that we were looking for: online course development, a learning management system, and reporting capabilities to track training records and results. Some providers offered great course development services, but didn’t have a learning management system; others offered learning management technology but had little to offer in terms of reporting capabilities. Finally, another group offered reporting but no course development services. It became clear that there was a gap that needed to be filled, and we were going to be the ones to fill it.

We immediately went to work to assemble a team of the brightest IT minds that we could find to form an advisory board. The board was comprised of an IT professional from New York City who worked for leading companies including GE and the Disney Corporation, together with many local senior IT executives. These exceedingly bright individuals collaborated together to clarify the system requirements and determine the fundamental architecture for what is now known as the BIStrainer Learning Management System.

In 2009, we were approached at a tradeshow by a small group of safety training companies that were impressed by our learning management technology and the quality of the courses that we developed. They asked if it was possible for us to develop courses for them and then enable them to sell the courses through their website using our system. We assured them that it was, and so began our foray into the safety industry.

The companies were very pleased with the courses developed, but sales from their own websites were significantly lower than they had hoped for. We inquired if they would be willing to share their courses across other websites; they readily agreed, and so we formed the first partnerships of The SafetyNET. With courses being offered for sale through multiple websites, sales increased dramatically. Over the next few years, The SafetyNET grew from three network partners with three safety courses to over 300 training companies delivering hundreds of courses to over 3,000 end-user companies around the world."