That's the kind of poetry that makes Bukowski roll in his grave, sorry ol' pal
I had a vision that I tried to shape into this poem, while writing, I realized how many perspectives could be taken when reading it, so enjoy it howev..
I wrote this poem about the man we'd like to be and the man we pity, and the life line between them
In this crazy world we live in, we lost the devil in the crowd of criminals that we are
All the flaws that a humanbeing may commit are justifiable, you steal to feed yourself; to survive, you kill to live, but the only stupid flaw is raci..
No country is to be hated, people are the ones who scar her beautiful face and make us hate each other, if we live in a rotten world, our kids don't h..
To all of you out there abused and pushed into being someone you're not... even if it pays
Feb 4th, It snowed in Boumerdes,Algeria, where I study, and since it's a city on the coast line, it was a sight to see, and a poem to write
Life is not just what we see and what we can prove, and denial isn't getting us to the truth, so come and take a peek behind the curtain our minds sew..
As I'm going through my desk drawer to look for the perfect pen, you're gonna have to bear with me a little and enjy