AZARIEK! A.Z.A.R.I.E.K! What, why are you shouting? I'm not shouting. You are. No, no, yes you are. BA HA I GOT YOU >D I'm Azariek! (If you didn't get that by now, DERP!) I'm 13. I live in some town in Florida, (guess correctly and I give you a stalker patch, LOL! And a cookie, C:) I'm a poet. I'm an author. I'm a DERP. (LOVE that word!) Yeah, what else? Hm... OH YEAH! ~I accept constructive criticism, just don't be a donkey about it. I sometimes write dark stuff, but other times I write medium stuff, and sometimes I just write stuff like BAM! OUT THERE! So, yeah. You never know what I'll write about next :D. “Blind faith is idiocy wrapped up in a blanket... So I suppose I'm a comfortable idiot.” ~ME! “I went outside and made a new friend. Only this friend had feathers and a beak.”~ME! “Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you.” ~Jack Handy “Too bad you can't buy a voodoo globe so that you could make the earth spin real fast and freak everybody out.”~Jack Handy "Cat? I'm a kitty cat! And I dance, dance, dance, 'til I dance, dance, dance. Cat? I'm a kitty cat! And I meow, meow, meow, 'til I meow, meow, meow!" ~I'm a Kitty Cat song by Mr. Cat "I'm a cucumber! I'm a cucumber! I'm a cucumber!" ~Cucumber Song by some guy on YouTube Squee! (Oh yeah, did I mention I'm obsessed with wolves? YAY FOR MY DERPISHNESS!) A word of advice: If someone walking down the street turns and gives you a funny look because of that pencil stuck in your ear, take the pencil out when they're back is turned, throw it at them, then turn tail and run screaming bloody murder. It's quite funny! xD. Unless of course, the person was a cop then... No, I'm just kidding. I'm not THAT bonkers. But still, it WOULD be funny... And also: If you get something good on Halloween, go home, change into a different costume, then go back and get it again. :3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- On a completely different note: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Projects: -Empty City Lights, -Shadokinesis Comments