I'm as I'm, And so is a stone; Them that don't like me, Must leave me alone.
If I’m attached to you, I do not love you.
If I’m attached to you, I add myself to you, like baggage.
You carry me, and eventually I&rsq..
Sometimes,you can't just tell Anybody how you really feel.Not because you don't know why.Not because you don't your purpose.Not because you don't trus..
whatever causes night in our souls may leave stars.
It's your road and your alone
others may walk it with you.
But no one can walk it for you.
He listens to her,
Swallowing her words
like water.
Saying goodbye doesn't mean you are no more my friend,
Saying goodbye doesn't mean our relationship is dead.
Saying goodbye doesn't mean it is forev..
You will never know.
I will never show.
You can't understand,
And I can't explain.
Damaged people love you like you are a crime scene
before a crime has even been committed.
They keep their running shoes by their souls every night,..
I know you're bitter
i know you're hard headed
i know you're passionate about never being hurt again
hold my hand you're safe with me
lock your ..