Random one-shot about the song.
A poem I wrote parodying "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe for Honors English 11.
Uh...yeah...something I came up with while bored in math class
A memoir-ish thing I've written in remembrance of the baneful attacks of September 11, 2001.
Based on a true story.
Um....Yeah.... Something short and random. Don't read into it too much. :P
The chapter for Apollo, god of light, truth, prophecy, archery, medicine, etc.
Me writing a paragraph about each of the Greek gods, major and minor. Never really going to be "complete." Not really a story.
Life...Death, Time...Space, Love...Hate, Peace...War. All two halves of a whole. One always needs the other to live on.
The introductions to the story. The characters all arrive.
The First Season of the Show. The tale begins.