HoopsTonight, I am truly one of the Walking Dead.So tell me why I should keep living byThe rules and standardsYou hold so dear,When you’re only ..
DeserterIt doesn’t matter anymore.Not even now,After we slept on jagged rocks,Crawled through caves on our backs,And laid still for days to avoi..
GhostHow does a girl,With absolutely nothing,Get everything she craves?First, she lets it all go,Accepting that it will never fully be hersTo hold,To ..
The ArchitectShe builds her castles not with stones...They raised her around music,And it was part of her daily life.A Talent, she was.She could sing ..
Monsters Will Destroy ThemselvesLashing at the hands that love themOnly realizing too late:It's dying, a love once bright now dim,The raised scars onl..
In my worldWe live on a beach, facing the rising sun.White dunes capped with palms guard us.The smell of sea-salt in our lungsFlavoring my poetry.Blac..
NewbornAs he took from the worldIts first gift of air,All she could think wasHow even in the wombHe'd already disappointed her.
Third of His NameIt was autumn.September.I think.A cycle of patterns that repeat,The secrets hidden in a shade of blue.He was the Third of His Name,Th..
Every egg reaches a stage in its development when it wants to hatch.The human body is no different. The ethereal embryo that has matured inside fleshW..
I hope I never knowJust how much I love you.Because for me to be certainI’d have to hurt youIn just such a way that makesYouHateMe. And once I r..