Chapter One: The Tree
has a habit of passing without your noticing, and it did this to Mack. It had
seemed like yesterday t..
Two: Jack
August 30th, seven-year-old Sierra Madison Elaine Aronson was
reported missing. She has green eyes, blonde, sh..
Three: Nicole and Ava
It was lunchtime. Mack stood
nervously at an empty table across from Jack. Even now, when much of ..
Chapter Four: The Hole
“I’ve been having this dream lately,” said
Mack, “I already told Jack and Nicole ..
Chapter Five: The States of Mind
“So, my friends, shall we begin with how
you got here?” Jared inquired, while waving over a waitre..
Chapter Six: Seeing Sierra
Mack, Nicole, Jack, and Ava had run for a
good ten minutes before they really felt safe. As soon as they stopped to ..
Chapter Seven: The Hole Again
And she gave up, and the Hole greedily ate
at her. She was fading, she was fading, she was leaving.
Until s..
Chapter Eight: The Doctor
Landed back in the alleyway.
Nicole and Ava looked at them. Jack
quickly let go of Mack, and turned red.
Chapter Nine: Sierra
Sierra’s eyes were still red and puffy,
and she looked frail in her shaken state, but when Sierra saw her sister, her
Chapter Ten: A Happy Ending
When Mack’s parents answered their door
that afternoon, they were so shocked to see their two daughters tha..