Auxiliosophiae : Writing

The Lightning Knight

The Lightning Knight

A Story by Auxiliosophiae

A stormy summer day provides three children with a make-believe game of their own. (Not actually fiction but closest category)
The Librarian of Alexandria

The Librarian of Alexandria

A Story by Auxiliosophiae

An account of the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, and the story of a librarian and his apprentice.


A Poem by Auxiliosophiae

A flame is snuff,Tendrils of smoke fall in curls.Slowly fading as they spread,Until only a few remain,And even those disappear.
Marigold Petals

Marigold Petals

A Poem by Auxiliosophiae

a poem based on Dias de Los Muertos.
My Angel Flew Away (prompt 4)

My Angel Flew Away (prompt 4)

A Story by Auxiliosophiae

A man's marriage falls apart over financial struggles, with heartbreaking consequences. Written for a contest.
Prologue: Orange Horizon

Prologue: Orange Horizon

A Chapter by Auxiliosophiae

A young girl plays witness to the last normal day of her life.
Chapter One: Crimson Sails

Chapter One: Crimson Sails

A Chapter by Auxiliosophiae

A pirate's meetings with two highly dangerous women.
Crashing Tides

Crashing Tides

A Book by Auxiliosophiae

Intentions of revenge, ambition, and betrayal meet on the high seas of the Caribbean on the brink of war.
The Weight of a Heart

The Weight of a Heart

A Story by Auxiliosophiae

An Egyptian man awaits the judgment of his life.
An End to Sorrows

An End to Sorrows

A Story by Auxiliosophiae

A locket slips between limp fingers.

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