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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I take intrests in writing, drawing, singing, and I am just recently dipping into photography. I am pretty much a one woman travelling circus! On June 9, 2008 the death of my inspiration shook my world, forever changing me in every way. It is sad that so many people take for granted everything great in there life, and yes I have been guilty of it as well. However the death of my inspiration, of a true friend, has taught me to be grateful for everyone in my life. Whether I like them or not, they are a part of my past, my present, and possibly my future. I find it amazing how words cant express all the thoughts and feelings I have on this subject. However if I tell you some of the things he had done for me you will get the picture. For the time he was here, he taught me so much. i know now that there is still good in the world, and no matter what happens to the people you love they will always be with you..... in your heart. He helped me in life and school, he inspired me to write and photograph. He made me laugh when it almost seemed too stupid too. I don't know if you get the picture but there is so much you just wont get about him. Although the greatest thing he did for me was introduce me to someone that may possibly be a life long friend, and guide. She is as great as he was, with a heart of gold, and a personality that grows on you everyday. I hold close the fortune that God has graced upon me, and I ask that rather than asking " why me" when the chips are down say "Thank You" for what you have. that is why I thank God that he died in the best way possible (if that is possible) in the arms of his love, instantly, and I don't ask why he was taken.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yes, very much you want to read my poems?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Very good got a page wrote in my book, and I got to poems wrote...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hello My friend, How are you tonight?