(Even walls need love)Just like you need the sun.Dust motes and snow flakes,Trailing fog,Coffee breath, techno tune -All mixing in the early morningGo..
The opportune momentDrags on and onLurching drunkenlyInto eternityUnwindingThe very fabric ofSpace and TimeHanging precariouslyWaiting for meTo seize ..
Little scraps
of paper,
An old photo
Scribbles in
the corner,
The sound of
your name.
Stories from
your childhood,
The thousands upon thousands
Of waves in the ocean
Are waiting for their story
To be told and thrown away.
They have flung it through the..
If you looked deep
into my eyes,
If you looked past
all the lies,
You’d be surprised to see
A tiny grey window
in each
Lifeless e..
Dirty dishes in the sinkAnd absentee cleaning ladiesNeglected house plantsAnd worn out shoes in the closetSilent drawing roomsCold, lonely winter nigh..
When I'm goneThe tides shall be silencedNo birds will sing at dawn.
Finally made my peace with it.Finally saw that it was okay.Pissed off and hating the worldIs nothing to apologize for.
Would the world be a better place?If I could sing,Like pieces of molten jadeFlowing out my mouth?I like to think not.Somehow I would end up at the sam..
Take a bow my friend,And let these voices leave.This storm is close to the end.So let go - feel the relief.No fresh starts, no more pretend.Stare into..