Lord Chernabog

Lord Chernabog



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About Me

I'm half convinced that I'm not human in so many ways. A reoccurring theme you may notice along my journey on here is that I quite definitely fancy darkness. I wish I could describe myself as something supernatural of the sort, but life isn't always as fair. Maybe some day I shall transform into a ghoul or something. Hopefully...

Now, as for music I enjoy black metal: Depressive, Raw, Second Wave, and much more. I occasionally like punk music and death metal as well. I enjoy the sounds of Bach and Beethoven also; classical is great for inspiration music, but folk music is even better.

Writing is nearly my whole life. I write everyday and every night, sharpening my razor tongue and expanding upon the decrepit rambles of my weary mind. I do not hope to attain a legendary status such as Edgar Allen Poe, but I will try my best to serenade your soul through the beautiful and foul language that reels from my brain.


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Posted 11 Years Ago

"Seventy-two pieces of poetry from each of the seventy-two Demons Aleister Crowley is said to have evoked"

(The Elusive Mr Dunne)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

For me torment lies both in my heart and mind. It rules my world.