Asiya : Writing



A Poem by Asiya

Because Saga Junichi's Memory Of A Yakuza touched me deeply
Teenage Depression

Teenage Depression

A Story by Asiya

There is this faraway place we'd sometimes want to stay in forever I'll introduce it


A Story by Asiya

I've spent quite some time in Bangkok and used letters from that time to write this piece
Afraid of the dark

Afraid of the dark

A Poem by Asiya

Old poem I've found digging
Hey police, but in french

Hey police, but in french

A Story by Asiya

This is what inspired me to write about trauma. As the language changes, the atmosphere follows
Whats left of genocide

Whats left of genocide

A Story by Asiya

Lots of us have been raised in remembrance of such events, all around the world I've seen this ambiguous feeling repeat itself across generations ..
Hey police

Hey police

A Poem by Asiya

Better make something of childhood disasters