A Story by Aaana
...there are versions of me nearing to a thousand by now. I have shed tons of skin, caressed all of my bruises to be the one person that i am today an..
A Screenplay by Aaana
How weird is this connection between the souls , where one yearns for togetherness, companionship flavoured with our innate senses. How is it that a..
A Story by Aaana
...we have mastered to firmly hold onto and grip even the edge of our world and how a fist unfolds one finger a time as we set ourselves to loose wha..
A Screenplay by Aaana
“So what’s your say , which
is the field that has wide array of scope in today’s world ?”
On this, she quickly pops out
A Screenplay by Aaana
Exhaling a deep breadth of raging tolerance , she adjusts her rimmed
specs , sips in dark lager ,and gets back to the screen of her laptop.
A Screenplay by Aaana
There's a vivid chattering indoor.The night is embraced in arms of cold
subtle wind.
She is there with this guy whom she consciously is in a relat..
A Screenplay by Aaana
They are both in bed ,naked , wrapped in the sheets.HEinclines more towards her, wraps his one arm around her, closes his eyes and kisses her forehead..
A Screenplay by Aaana
Its cold , that kind of cold which cripples slowly like a
ghost nd resides in ur bones making u curl towards your innerself and then your
heart race..
Lapse passed but still remained the same,The silence that exist on every meet later then.With broken hearts had we walked apart ,having no regrets of ..
A Story by Aaana
...small tiny fingers fiddlingwith a ring placed on bedside.An inquisitivemind of a growing child is urged to ask her momwhat the scribbled range of m..