The AshKat Projects
The email I never sentA Poem by The AshKat ProjectsSome things are just not meant to last. Memories though are forever... |
I...A Poem by The AshKat ProjectsThe attractive and all the while hateful confusion of the condition of ones feeling lost... |
The Misconceptions Of TimeA Poem by The AshKat ProjectsTime always works depending on your needs. Either with you or against you. And in this case... well, when soon seems like never so... You get the gist.. |
AwayA Poem by The AshKat ProjectsSometimes running away seems to be the only way to heal... |
Of a Time ForegoneA Poem by The AshKat ProjectsWhen everything seemed right... |
Just a RealizationA Story by The AshKat ProjectsIt's pretty messy really. You know, when it hits you like a light bulb? And then you lose track because the thoughts keep pouring in? That. Simplicity.. |
A dream to keepA Poem by The AshKat ProjectsYou see something that makes you happy. And then you wake up to find out that it's gone... |
Happy BirthdayA Poem by The AshKat ProjectsWhen your thoughts take over...and the moments consume. ... |
Private ConversationsA Stage Play by The AshKat ProjectsMe, myself and I... Don’t we all? |
A Moment before TimeA Poem by The AshKat Projects...that rapid and yet neverending moment before I see you... |