He's yours.Not mine.I know.Butsometimes...My flesh driven mindentertains pretendingour roleswere switched.Then Jesus pulls me back,and I gain intellig..
WhoWho in their right mindEverEver conceived the thoughtthat a thank you-just two simple words-could everfill a person withsuch an assurance ofgratitu..
Satan's tearshave graced my cheekwith their presence.Their reasons for makingan appearanceare faultyand elementary at best.Even my own mindwon'tconsum..
With all that happenedmy brain had begun to stumbleunder the pressure ofthe overwhelming thoughtsAnd a familiar itchwrapped each fingerSo sweet andcom..
Delivery daySliding the package off the dollyThanking the man,paying reluctantly.Finally here.Sliding the blade on the creaseSlicing the tapeSlipping ..
You can't breaka broken heart?How is it thatthis theory stands?My friend, I tell you nowthat each shattered piecemay be stepped uponand twisted in suc..
You can stay awakefor daysRuminating on the loved and lostwith no side affectsbut an addiction tocaffeine,a re-broken heart, and a limp smile.Pretendi..