ashleydawn : Writing

Basically, You Distract Me

Basically, You Distract Me

A Poem by ashleydawn

I hate writing poetrywhile smiling at the thoughtof showing you.It would seem that my purposeis distractedby your charm.
What I Do When You're Asleep

What I Do When You're Asleep

A Poem by ashleydawn

I love writingwhen you're sleepingright beside me.
Ode to Facebook

Ode to Facebook

A Poem by ashleydawn

O FacebookHow our relationshiptroubles me so.I can not eatnor sleepnor leisurelyGooglewithout hearing of your presence.Yet every moment I spendmesmeri..
Her Habit

Her Habit

A Poem by ashleydawn

The goal was alwaysto get her to stop singingTo say something shocking enoughthat she would be joggedfrom her own worldand brought into mine.Re-rooted..
Judging the Scrapbooks

Judging the Scrapbooks

A Poem by ashleydawn

There are so many events in lifeleft unrecorded.Only the important milestonesfind their place in the scrapbooks.Yet, it is the trivial things,the ever..


A Poem by ashleydawn

Sometimesmy emotionis too rawto recordanythingof worth.


A Poem by ashleydawn

You won't even laughat my gas.
My Pen Won't Hold Its Tongue

My Pen Won't Hold Its Tongue

A Poem by ashleydawn

I hate it whenI can't speakbut my penwon't hold its tongueand my problems growwith my notebook's pagesand not oneunderstandsthe trutheven me.
Childlike Wonder

Childlike Wonder

A Poem by ashleydawn

Childlike wonderSo fleetingMesmerizingand lostin theabyssof illusions
Buried Souls

Buried Souls

A Poem by ashleydawn

Every timeI'm surprisedat how silent I am.Angry as wellfor how it lets my mindtake over.Salty bliss drapes my cheeksand I sweep them awaywithremembran..