Morgan Ashire

Morgan Ashire


Perspective and dichotomy.

Chandler, AZ
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About Me

I am a relatively new writer who is, in my eyes, just starting to be heard by those around me. I have no reputation, nor do I really seek one. I am here to share my writing. I am also looking at the possibility of a future publish, although, I must admit, I have no idea how to even begin to follow this as a course of action. I am here looking for input and constructive criticism from some of my own. I am tired of asking for opinions and simply getting, "It's good." in reply. I am here to expand my knowledge, but not necessarily my style, of writing. I hope that I can gain at least a small amount of respect and admiration, as I am also growing tired of having my work shot down for being too, "violent," "dark," and "manipulative of perception." I look forward to hearing your opinions and your feedback.


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Posted 6 Years Ago

Hey, just dropping by to say "yo".
you sound interestingly dark, Which is AWESOME!
certainly no complaining here. be as violent as you want :D

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey,did u forget how to speak?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I appreciate your feed back on Death's Dare! I so rarely get helpful reviews these days, yours was a breath of fresh air.

Thanks much!
Aaron Wolfie Maycroft

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Stoppin' by to say hi.

Ironically Yours, Blade3blood

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Welcome back! ^_^

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Posted 16 Years Ago

ello ello my cynical friend. how are you? do u happen to have a vampirefreaks profile, if so add me. XmetalXchickX and yes of course i made joshey join to lolz

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Congratulations on your 1 st place win in

the Write What You Feel Contest~Way To Go!!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

go for it man I've put them up for people to read and judge

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Posted 16 Years Ago

yeah man not enough singers give a s**t about what they are sayin these days