Bones asleep on ocean floors
tell a story like no other,
we are a natural machine,
a creature cursed.
To soil, earth, rock,
it's been no time ..
There will be no funeral,only a wake.My body should be nowhere to be found,there should be no photos nor videos of me.My name should only be spoken wh..
I have the same ability to love as Eurydice did,I can forgive the same way Eurydice did. They give this power to Gods,they act like it's some great gi..
I plan to kill myself in December,I've been thinking about it all year.But the Summer makes me so sad,I may not make it to Winter.A headache,the kind ..
I worry that when my dog lets out abig, dramatic sigh,the way dogs often do,that he's sighing because of me.Because of something I've done, some mista..
Wrote this during the first Covid lockdown.
The years don't last long.The days are short but the weekstake forever,November feels like Thursday.Once I am deadall I want to do is rust,everything ..
It was a cold and early morning,the morning I realised the full extent of the universe.I saw it, glittering and flickering,blinking softly, twinkling ..
Full room,heavy boxes - emptied.Small and cramped,pictures on thewalls, on the floor, unfinished works of art,drawings,poems, writings, scrawled, unin..
I think this is about my dad.