ArthurPhillips : Writing

Let me

Let me

A Poem by ArthurPhillips

A poem about strange night animals


A Poem by ArthurPhillips

A free-form piece.
It frightens me, or the first time

It frightens me, or the first time

A Poem by ArthurPhillips

A simple look at my first youthful sexual encounter
Take me

Take me

A Poem by ArthurPhillips

Thoughts on a friends madness.
Twilight Time

Twilight Time

A Poem by ArthurPhillips

Clinging to love, begging for peace. - This piece contains lyrics to the song "Twilight Time". Lyrics by Buck Ram / Music by Morty Nevins, Al Nevins..
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I may have

I may have

A Poem by ArthurPhillips

"I may have"I may have missed a few thingsHanging from the rafters, singing songsTen days of insanity does a lotI'll try not to be obsessive about the..


A Poem by ArthurPhillips

35 years in a fever.


A Poem by ArthurPhillips

A poem about the incorrect kind of love.


A Poem by ArthurPhillips

A cinquain
Oh, America

Oh, America

A Poem by ArthurPhillips

An ode to America.

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