Sheik : Writing

Chapter VI: Heka

Chapter VI: Heka

A Chapter by Sheik

Mahad led Kiya further down the hallway. They reached a dead end with a door and he opened it. Inside was a round room surrounded by lit candles. T..
Chapter VII: The Magicians

Chapter VII: The Magicians

A Chapter by Sheik

“This is Kiya, a new member of the magicians. I’m showing her this room,” he said. He turned to Kiya and said, “This is Mana..
Chapter VIII: Secrets

Chapter VIII: Secrets

A Chapter by Sheik

Atem moved his attention to Kiya. “You live outside the palace,” he said. “It’s more fun out there. Father doesn’t let..
Dark Revenge

Dark Revenge

A Book by Sheik

Kiya lived a happy life in Ancient Egypt, until her family fell apart. Now she's out for revenge, but will she destroy herself in the process?
Prologue: Fire and Water

Prologue: Fire and Water

A Chapter by Sheik

The salty water surrounding Scyros was dominant in the evening light. There on the secluded shore, laid Princess Deidamia in the arms of the great ..
Chapter I: Hunter

Chapter I: Hunter

A Chapter by Sheik

I awaken as the sun rises to the sound of birds singing a sweet melody. I get up from my bed of soft grass and gaze into the horizon. The grass gli..
Chapter II: Disappearance

Chapter II: Disappearance

A Chapter by Sheik

I wander the beach in sorrow, for the one I love is dead. This is my comfort place with the sea breeze and the ocean waves, but I am past comfort; n..
Chapter III: Olympus

Chapter III: Olympus

A Chapter by Sheik

I enter the golden gates of Olympus, catching a glimpse of Iris dancing on her rainbow. Hermes is there to greet me but he’s busy messing up ..
Chapter IV: Haunted

Chapter IV: Haunted

A Chapter by Sheik

In my dream I’m standing in a dark void. Pyrrus is next to me stroking my cheek. I close my eyes and lean into him, absorbing as much of him ..
Chapter V: Madness

Chapter V: Madness

A Chapter by Sheik

I’m hunting Orion. He’s my enemy and I have to bring him down. Oblivious in my sight, I let go of the string and he collapses behind a ..