ArieannexAntithetic : Writing

Where Dead Angels Lie.

Where Dead Angels Lie.

A Poem by ArieannexAntithetic

Love. Lost. Buried.
If I Don't Say So Myself. . .

If I Don't Say So Myself. . .

A Poem by ArieannexAntithetic

I don't suppose you have a bloodlust for yourself, do you?
Sparrow? No...Chicken Chaser!

Sparrow? No...Chicken Chaser!

A Poem by ArieannexAntithetic

I play Fable waayyy too much =O
All She Doesn't Remember

All She Doesn\'t Remember

A Poem by ArieannexAntithetic

Uhhh....Find out for yourself. Very strange. Ive been listening to The Cure frequently, and I've been miserable for days. This comes from my heart. (T..
Finding the Alternative

Finding the Alternative

A Poem by ArieannexAntithetic

Writing that describes my past when I was shadowed by vices. This is just another piece of my never-ending testimony.
The Transition of a Lunar Eclipse

The Transition of a Lunar Eclipse

A Story by ArieannexAntithetic

Another blur of memories and stories that have inspired me to write. When life cuts too deep, run with blistered feet into God's arms and let him cle..
Scaring the Ever Scary

Scaring the Ever Scary

A Poem by ArieannexAntithetic

A line put into a fragment. A lifetime put into a story. These lyrics were written by me about my brother and a situation of his. It bothered me like ..
Warning: Questioning Sarcasm May Cause You To Cease Existence

Warning: Questioning Sarcasm May Cause You To Ceas..

A Poem by ArieannexAntithetic

Just a blur of my memories through an orb of jet black confusion put into song. Kinda makes you wanna punch a mirror just because you want to destroy ..
A Fever Unbroken

A Fever Unbroken

A Poem by ArieannexAntithetic

This is my definition of loneliness and how people isolate themselves when they should try and make a difference in the world. Also how you are never ..
Bathed in sins

Bathed in sins

A Poem by ArieannexAntithetic

This is a poem about how love grows like a flower, when broken is easily fixed.

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