♥ Ari Skye ♥ : Writing

Solitary Hearts

Solitary Hearts

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

I think this is a recurring theme, with everyone, hurt & pain in life. Wondering if you are alone...
Speak No More

Speak No More

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

This poem is basically, my logical side, talking to my stupid sensitive side.
A Scream of Despair

A Scream of Despair

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

This poem was written at a very weak moment in my life. I was hurting, but I felt that no one was hearing me.
The Ballad of a Broken Heart

The Ballad of a Broken Heart

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

This is me, trying my hand at song writing, and failing miserably. At least, I think so...
To Me

To Me

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

This poem dabbles a bit in the taboo topics of severe depression and self mutilation. As a past self-mutilator, I feel it's an important topic to brin..
A Sinking Brick in an Ocean Full of Self--Hate

A Sinking Brick in an Ocean Full of Self--Hate

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

This poem, is one of many, that explores the dark side of my mind. As a survivor of BiPolar Disorder, there are many times I'm in a dark place. Someti..
Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

This poem is based on a past relationship, how he just disappered from my life and it took a long time for me to get over that.
A Raven's Song

A Raven's Song

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

The poem, I feel, explains itself.
Entrance, Not Permitted

Entrance, Not Permitted

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

Basically, a poem about not letting the one who hurt you, lead your life anymore. Not letting them into your heart, and not letting them influence you..
Lie In Wait

Lie In Wait

A Poem by ♥ Ari Skye &hearts..

Just a poem that I wrote. Nothing fancy.

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