Hey Slave!!! It's good to see that you're still writing on here! I haven't seen you on TD in a while though, but that could be because I myself haven't been on in a while... =) Keep up the awesome job!!!
Hey, Slave, I really enjoy your poems. As I read each line it's like a picture is painted in my mind and I can just imagine being there. It's amazing, really.
First of all, thanks for hosting the Conflict with God contest. A great opportunity to share in a meaningful way in a public venue. I respect you for that.
Secondly, writing my piece caused me to work through some issues that were important for me to work through. And that alone was worth the write.
I just have to say that I love your bio!! I hope that more people will hear your voice and your relationship will grow stronger everyday! Keep up with the writing because that truly is a great way to show who God is to people! God Bless.