I was dead, of that I was certain, why I was still on Earth I wasn’t
exactly sure. June 18th, 1847 that date I remember very well that ..
Prologue: (Adelaide’s Point of view)
I was dead, of that I was certain, why I was still on Earth I wasn’t
exactly sure. June 18th,..
“Row, Row, Row Your Boat,
Gently Down the Stream,
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,
Life Is But A Dream.”
Once, it snowed. It snowed on a little town called
Glenn-Haven. I didn’t tell you where Glenn-Haven is because you probably
haven’t ..
White, a blinding
a quiet solitude,
utter brilliance.
White doves, a three
pronged symbol on paper.
Rain slides over the gray canvas,
Silver clouds cover the beautiful blue sky,
Fog and mist walk up from the rivers,
The bright orange sun slink..
The crisp autumn leaves that lay down for a nap are buried
by the diamond white flakes,
The ground shivers and covers itself in a frosty white b..
You see her pass lonely through the halls,
Never uttering a word,
She's too strange to want friends you think, ..
I sit beside my window and begin to wonder,
what is life?
Life can be anything! Says the imaginary reply.
But surely there must be a reason why?
When I look outside I see freedom,
I see myself soaring through the clouds,
walking barefoot on their floating softness.
I see sunshi..