A Story by ginsy
Break the glass? -yes -no -kill yourself instead
A Story by ginsy
The human obsession with identity has led to something of an epidemic of personality crises in Abilene.
A Story by ginsy
personal identity: nonexistent.
A Story by ginsy
Sometimes there just isn't anything left to say on the matter.
A Story by ginsy
snakes in the fox hole, foxes in the hen house, no humans in my bed.
A Story by ginsy
The only way to go to Heaven tomorrow is to kill yourself today.
A Story by ginsy
Psychiatry is the practice of burning through someone until there is nothing left.
A Story by ginsy
Matthew 27:46. "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast t..
A Story by ginsy
It's complicated. They're okay with that.
A Story by ginsy
It is November, the wall is a dirty gray, and the sheets are moth eaten. This is all he knows.