Christine : Writing

The Sunshine Maiden's Lament

The Sunshine Maiden's Lament

A Poem by Christine

The minstrel serenaded to his lust"thy beauty is a deligh to gaze on".The sunshine maiden's cheeks apple-y blush'd.In another world she could have bee..
The Battle

The Battle

A Poem by Christine

A little piece I wrote
We Are the Skraeling

We Are the Skraeling

A Poem by Christine

This is a riddle poem, can you guess what it's about?


A Poem by Christine



A Poem by Christine

Mm, I really have no idea. I was bored and picked up A Dance of Sisters, not my usual kind of book, but whatever.
We vs Me

We vs Me

A Poem by Christine

Not done yet
Greenapple Mornings

Greenapple Mornings

A Poem by Christine

Just a little thing I wrote


A Poem by Christine

A tidbit about clocks
ying yang

ying yang

A Poem by Christine

Yeah. Pretty pointless. Playing with opposites
The Stars are Mine

The Stars are Mine

A Poem by Christine

Mm, yeah. A quick poem. Not sure what type it is. Tried to ghostwrite sylvia plath, but then it morphed into my style

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