About Me
I'm not normal in any case (Feel free to ask away). I enjoy reading to get a release into someone else's world. I enjoy writing to share my world. My Story "Fallen Mortality" Was started a couple years ago, and I still only have a few pages done -.- I'm looking to be inspired by someone to write more of the world. My poetry... hm... Most of it has been written to release anger, hurt, loneliness, etc. Rarely do I write poetry. Even more rare is when it's about something other than one of those feelings. Waiting to be inspired to write more poems.
Truly, I came to this site to find Inspiration to write with the passion I love. I've lost most of it through my life issues and through Basic Combat Training I managed to write a new poem(The Cycle) and 5 more pages of "Fallen Mortality" plus "Father of the Bloodline".
Show me your work and I'll read it. If you'd like someone to critique or check over the work for errors, let me know. Always willing to help with that.. (even when the English teacher doesn't like errors being found on her hand-outs...)
Anywho, That's a little bit about me. Ask me more questions about myself or my world and I'll post them on here with my response.