Aarti Sriram

Aarti Sriram


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Amsterdam, Netherlands
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About Me

I am re-discovering life and more free time as an empty nester. Recalling so many days, giggles, events and emotions as I go about my day. Children bring a whole album of meaning, structure , strength , engagement to our lives.
Now a days I have new things to talk to my family besides the greetings and the routines.
I am practicing gratefulness and mindfulness . I am enjoying new and old hobbies, expanding my world and establishing a new order of life with doable and fun challenges . Most days are easy with daily goals met.
But there are hours and days when I struggle to seek clarity of the ways of the world, of keeping up with long distance family relationships and learning everyday to change with the times and new ways to be.


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Posted 2 Months Ago

Hey dear...
You are using abbreviations in the lines? 🤔

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Posted 2 Months Ago

Hi ...sis...
Your writing..choices we make,need a retake... is in discover filter of WC...
You know that?

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Posted 2 Months Ago

Hey hi good evening... first you must publish your work/writing in the profile... then follow as such..
Go to my groups.
Then you are navigated to the group.
It shows "Members "
Scroll down
You see "New writing "
At bottom click "more"
It will navigate to RAVIN'S INK-writings
Under that you have "Add writing "..
under that click "Select a work"
It displays all your works (writings) titles in list down format. There Choose which poem or your chosen work to be posted.
Then click submit.
After 2to3mins your poem/writing gets submit and will be in RAVIN'S INK group under new writing tab (latest/recent at top)..
(If you want to delete your poem/writing from the group then follow the same step and select your writing from new writing tab.. it will navigate to add writings and next tab is "my writings", from where you can delete the submitted writing by clicking cross button red colored at the right top corner of your writing. )

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Posted 3 Months Ago

Hello... it's empty here... so thought of saying Hello 👋 ☺️

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Posted 3 Months Ago