Uncreated,yet created firmly seated sat God the uncreated Father Almighty,beholding and rejoicing perpetually concerning the Splendor of creation and ..
Hail Mary,Queen Of Royality,Mother of the faithful and just,absolute stature,Eau de Parfum penetrating pervasively,splendouriously most dazzling than ..
Would you know how it aches and pains when excruciating thorns are drilled upon a Godly veil,the suffocating breaths as flesh departs from your back,a..
No hidden agenda,I was unemployed and upon my parents I was dependant to fill the void of an addict,smoke clouded my mind,my rainbows were distant,I t..
Created in His image,to reflect the dazzling light of Gods only begotten Son,when the bass of His voice echo's and penetrates to the core of our exist..
I am,the way the truth and the life,I within ignite a unquencable flame,a spark igniting for the glory of my name,a dazzling light emitting and expell..
Oftenly as daggers they penetrate viciously
cutting and bruising merely by their mention
their utterance unpleasant and dreadful
we're taught wise..
Gloom clouds Hope
Hostility tramples upon affection
Malice wrestles viciously against peace
Darkness dazzles rather than Light
Evil satisfy and Go..
I've discovered paths distant from our coast and landscapes further more slpendourious than our northern lights,than coloured rainbows and sunsets,tha..