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Iowa city, IA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I love to write, I write all sorts of poems and songs, I never really thought of showing them to people. I didn't think that they were that good at first, but it turns out they actually are very good. I showed some of them to my friends and family and alot of them said my poems were deep, some said they were dark and sad, some said i was a very good poet[ not trying to brag] I still am not sure if I am and I learned about this site through my mom, It seemed like a fun way to show off a different side of you that alot of people dont usually see.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

what the f**k hey i just got back on after a long a*s time of being off. I didn't say that in your comment box. I guess someone had my login info. Or i probably just left the window open in school somewhere and someone though that would be funny.

sorry. =(

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Posted 17 Years Ago

i think ur a dumb b***h...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Oh yay i just realized i poped your comment cherry. yay me.

[send message]

Posted 17 Years Ago

well hello hello hello. just thought i would drop by and say hi, how are you doing?
Oh me im f*****g great myself. hope you start writing stuff that is just a little bit more uplifting, something to make me happy. bye bye now sweetie.