Annelise : Writing



A Poem by Annelise

Dull purple light baths everyone in the room casting a spell onmy eyes we look like fallen angels or risen sinners. Music pulses in my chest b..
When the Air Began To Bleed

When the Air Began To Bleed

A Poem by Annelise

It slipped past my attention and fell to the floor like blood falls on snow, and watched it spread until it soaked the fabric of my brain. Words ..
Breathe, we can share our breath here

Breathe, we can share our breath here

A Poem by Annelise

You've got to say, honey, You've got to say something I've got an itch in my bones. when you look at me those brown eyes and all, sad brown eye..
When the words became delicate

When the words became delicate

A Poem by Annelise

Love, where is it that you're going? If you're not careful you'll rot in that small Texas town. The Med student by my side the one with the bro..


A Poem by Annelise

You are the master of words words that you have told to a thousand other girls. Oh, but I was the lucky one that fell for it. You taste like c..
We Made Our Regrets In The Backseat, Dear.

We Made Our Regrets In The Backseat, Dear.

A Poem by Annelise

You said I love you like a shirt you tried on for size. It fit for quite sometime but the color faded the threads wore you didn't hesitate to tr..

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