Anne Shiever

Anne Shiever


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Salina, KS
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About Me

"Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life"--Unknown

"When food and water are not enough to survive, there's poetry to feed the starving soul"--Anne Shiever

Where to's no use, I love the "poetic muse" that's why I am here to be among the best caring souls....writers!!!! I have a unique and passionate feeling for poetry work; and art on all forms! I thrive on the mere beauty of an artist's accomplishment for every form is it's own masterpiece in the eye of the beholder and the audience it captures.

Anne Shiever is a published author, poet, and journalist currently residing in Salina KS. She currently writes for Topeka Tonight as an entertainment reviewer for musicians and authors in Kansas interviewing bands and solo artists as well as songwriters and authors. Anne has accomplished art pieces in her drawings, illustrations, photography, clay art, metal art, and jewelry designs. She has owned and operated Anne's Collectibles & Gifts at 152 N. Broadway Salina KS since 1984 and hopes to continue as her artwork progesses to develope into something great someday...She says, "God willing, there's always hope!!!"

Anne Shiever is a member of the Kansas Author's Club (KAC) currently holdingthe office of Vice-president (Dist 4) and will serve in 2007 as well for District 4. She has self-published several poetry books, how-tos, children's stories, dedication books, etc via spiral bound, stapled, and sadlestitched binding. She aso has two books available through Amazon and other prominent book stores through the help of publisher Melanie Schurr using LULU Publishing service, and one book through Airleaf Publishing "HEART MIND AND SOUL" and "INSIDE MY HEART MIND & SOUL". They can also be ordered by ISBN from any local book store.

Anne Shiever's books to date have been archived in the Spencer Library & Museum in Lawrence KS as part of the Kansas Author's Collection. She has been fortunate enough to be published in Magazines, Newspapers, Newsletters, Websites, E-zines, and Anthologies throughout the USA, England, Germany, and Canada. Besides the love for the "poetic muse", Anne also writes song lyrics. She played the clarinet and bass clarinet in high school, acted in plays, sang in choir and also done some modeling work in her late teen years. She has also played some percussion instruments and fooled around with the keyboard.

Currently Anne is working on finishing a couple of novels. She plans to finish in the next few years {one written from a man's POV; so guys, don't be surprised if Anne decides to pick at your thoughts}. Anne is an active member of Prairie Inkwells Poetry Group of Salina KS, and has founded HEARTLAND HOPES & DREAMS Writer's & Artists Group to help one another expand their horizons.

In 2004 Anne Shiever was awarded the on-line award called the PEN OF GOLD AWARD presented by a publisher/journalist from Oklahoma for work as an inspirational and Christian writer. She says that an artist always sees things differently than most people, therefore she has taken the opportunity to branch out into other avenues with her work.

Anne is usually writing anytime, anywhere, and about almost everything that inspires her. She usually keeps a notebook with her at all times, and some of her award winning poems were actually written on napkins to start with.

Anne's latest poetry book is an 8 1/2 x 11 spiral bound book called CAPTIVATED In The Heart Of Love & Romance. It was released in Oct. 2005 in time for the annual [KAC] Kansas Author's Club convention. The e-book format was reviewed by Muses Review in San Jose CA and was internationally nominated as one of the BEST POETRY BOOKS OF 2005! Recently she has been encouraged to revise, add to, and reprint the book in perfect bound format (if she can fiugre out the LULU press publishing web-site). Her book is finished but she needs a little help so the work in progess is not destroyed. {She already has another book published through LULU and Lotus Books--via Melanie Schurr publisher.}

A LITTLE MORE PERSONAL LEVEL--Anne was born in Kansas to Darlene Hammersmith & Francis John Befort by the name Rosemary Anne Befort. {She preferrs to be called Anne or Annie} Anne was raised by step-father Ernest Mattas and her mother when she re-married. {Her dad died when I was only four years old.} Anne worked in the WILSON HIGH SCHOOL newspaper and newsletter staff as a journalist as well as the yearbook staff as an editor's assistant, layout, and journalist. She also did some modeling work for the school each year for Home Economics class. Her written work has won numerous awards during her teen years where she had been entered in Nationwide contests. She was also involved in music for many years as an accomplished bass clarinet and clarinet player. She was also a member of the choir, soloist, and glee club work in musical entertainment. She wrote music using the keyboard and to date still writes song lyrics for musicians. She graduated high school in Wilson KS. Then she moved to Salina KS where she achieved an Executive Secretarial Diploma at Brown Mackie College since funding was not available at the time to pursue her degree in art and writing as she had intended ....but then, Anne was married about 20 years and had a son named Kevin Wayne Fishburn Jr who is the ultimate joy of her life. {Kevin is in college now to pursue a double major in accounting & business law.} Anne Shiever's new spouse Andre Zane Shiever is also an artist, inventor, metal artist, and jewelry designer. Together, they love art in all forms. He is the strength, encouragement, and true inspiration behind the romance poems. :) Anne says, "He lets me just be me.....and that's a love that's hard to find". Anne has matured in her written work and ventured into other avenues through her writing. She loves the "muse" in all forms.

Anne also does some modeling now for her own designs and just for fun in making calenders or other desktop publishing ideas using photography as the art piece for Anne's Angel Publishing. She also paints, draws, works with metals and wood, designs, etc. Her love for art is endless.

Recently, Anne also helped in the live recording of a music CD for the band BACKLASH with her singing voice and sound effects for background. Occassionally you will find Anne on stage with band friends playing the tambourine. She loves to dance, party with friends, and just "be a woman".

Anne loves meeting new people, and making new friends to last a lifetime.

From Anne: I hope you will enjoy my work, and become a great friend and inspiration to me. I am NEVER too busy for a friend!! I love people! I am here to learn from the best, to continue to grow, and to nurture my own writing into great beauty to share with others..."I'm just a diamond in the rough, waiting to shine like everyone else". I may be getting older, but I am maturing gracefully through my determination. I would love to hear your thoughts on my work. If they are on the harsh side, then please email me in private as I do have low self-esteem at times and I value the positive input from other writers so that I may continue to grow in my education. I need your strong shoulders to lean on at times. I hope you will be there to leave a comment for me.

{For more information, please feel free to visit my other webpages}. (send me a friends request if you would like to do so)
Always & forever
Anne Shiever


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi there! I recently submitted a story into a Contest on here, The contest is called: Nothing is What It Seems. Can you please take a look at the story I submitted and if you like it, would you vote for me? Voting gives you 5 points! Thanks very much!! ~ Cynthia

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi, Everyone:

I wish you a happy holidays and best wishes. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to look at my page, any reviews or comments. I am taking a semi-break and will be back in full force in January 2007.

Happy Holidays,
Scott Grant Eckert

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good morning!

I was just writing to let you know a new challenge has been posted on the group. We look forward to reading your thoughts and opinions.
Have a wonderful day!

"Challenge of the Week # 5"


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Please Go to my page and read "What if we all met", I'll owe you big time...and it would mean a lot. Make sure to leave your thoughts...

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Posted 18 Years Ago

i really enjoyed betrayal anne. think i want to stay on your good side.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for the welcome. It is most appreciated.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

hi anne,
thanks for the invite. i look forward to getting to know you and your work.
all the best,