Trinkets of our tattered love
lay scattered across a room too dark
to make out anything more than shadows,
where lines are drawn in the sand
Tonight I find the moments between us
are northern winds scattering dust
across rain starved fields, and I can almost
taste the water beneath t..
Through these trees,
the ones that row the dusty road,
creating an uneven, jagged line
from past to present, teetering towards
the weather-worn ..
beneath a cover of star-light,
tattered holes in a sheet of charcoal,
through which I can barely
glimpse the dewy veil of infinity,
I see you clearly
despite the haze of my dreams,
a form shrouded in mist;
silver streaked moonlight pouring
like liquid through your hair.
Gazing out across the water,
still and smooth, a sheen like glass,
tangibly translucent, and yet
reflective enough to contain a second sky,
my ..
Crossing the bay, a boat
with faded paint, salt-scalded
and peeling, meets the morning,
lit by the long legs of the sun
stepping slowly across
Peering around the smooth worn edge
of a door worked by hand, from Oak
stained in the shade of watered down coffee,
she looked like a child despi..
Someone told me once
that inspiration is a state of mind,
and I suppose I believed it
at the time,
believed that when people grew older
In the twilight of our many obsessions,
our tiny indiscretions seem to have
sharp tongues and even thicker hides.
We speak in riddles with mela..