Thisismythearpy : Writing

Tobacco Pipe

Tobacco Pipe

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

Based on this weird daydream I had. I don't remember much from writing this besides being half asleep.


A Poem by Thisismythearpy

Does anyone ever get that intrusive thought about burning all your stuff to set yourself free?


A Poem by Thisismythearpy

If anyone has split personalities, maybe this will make sense. My work varies between who is mentally writing if that makes sense. It's very complicat..
Existence is pain

Existence is pain

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

Does anyone else ever wake up and find notes on their phone from the middle of the night? That's what this is.
Black bandanna

Black bandanna

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

This isn't how I usually write but hey, medicated states do weird stuff to your brain. I guess this is free verse but i'm not sure. It's about a black..
Part of the forest

Part of the forest

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

Something I wrote when taking a break from trimming a hiking trail in pickett state park.
Cold water

Cold water

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

Standing in a mountain stream in an area that had just become industrialized and polluted.
 Overused cliché

Overused cliché

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

Written out of spite regarding what someone said to me.
Bad review

Bad review

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

I have been receiving a lot of hate so I will probably get off here. I lost the motivation for my book I was putting together with all my posts anyway..
Blind writer

Blind writer

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

How I can write but not read