Angeline Bandon-Bibum

Angeline Bandon-Bibum


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Silver Spring, MD
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About Me

Ms. Angeline Bandon-Bibum is a graduate of Howard University who lives and works in Montgomery County, Maryland. She is a poet and author of Sojourner's Dream. Ms. Bandon-Bibum recently appeared at Karibu Books and 2007 Afrocentric Book Expo. She also recently appeared on the air waves of Harambee Radio Network. Ms. Bandon-Bibum is a wife and mother of three children.

For further information please visit her sites at


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Posted 11 Years Ago

I have found a way to share the beginning of my self-actualizing journey into becoming a writer. Many people have said to me that they too wanted to become writers, and I was told that it would be a good idea to share what I know about my own journey. So, here it is...

Journey to Writer - A 7-Week Writing Webinar/Teleseminar

I'll share a step by step plan you need to place pen to paper, finger to keyboard, and share your book with the world. Take your first step on your journey into author-hood.

Visualize this. In seven weeks, you’ll have obtained the foundational tools you need to:

• Gain the confidence to write your book for the world to see.

• Take action on your dreams of being an author or writer.

• Be the author signing books at your own book signings.

• Have the basic tools to create the book.

***And, this is all from the comfort of your home office, or sofa.

There is a book you want to write.

You know you can write a book, but you also know there's a problem: What comes next? How does your book go from an idea, to on paper, to publication? What are your publishing options?

Sign up for “Journey to Writer” and get on the road to becoming an author.

Join me on a free 45 minute webinar/teleseminar on December 3, 2013, at 7 p.m.

I'm the author of the novels Sojourner’s Dream and, soon to be released, Lamentation of a Warrior.

Contact Angeline Bandon-Bibum to sign up: [email protected]

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Happy Thanksgiving to You!

I will be hosting a webinar series for aspiring writers, if you're interested. It's called Journey to Writer:
There will be a free information session about it next Tuesday at 7p.m. (est).

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Be Gentle with Yourself for You are Sacred and Precious. Find Joy in all You do for You are Worthy and Deserving. Loving Who We Are is the Greatest Gift we can give Ourself and the World.

MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review Angeline! Much appreciated. <3

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to the neighborhood.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cfafe, I look forward to reading your work....