


I am offically back!!!

Fort Worth, TX
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About Me

Hello I'm 13 years old and ever since 5th grade i've loved reading,but never really was interested in writing,but last year i was feeling extra creative and decided to write,and i loved it.
Out of all my cousins(god knows how many),
I am...
~ The most strightforward
~The most Patient
~The most Caring
~ The most Wise
But those are Just the good traits,
I can also be...
~The most wild
~Over Emotional
~But mostly Insecure and Self conscious.
I used to care about all the sh*t people said about me.I used to spend days-No more like months worrying and crying about things people said about me.But know I've realized,I've spend to much time worrying,And not enough time moving on...So know I'm broken,When people-family included- talk sh*t about me,I don't feel anything. So I may be self conscious sometimes,But I'm also can be outgoing.
I am a simple person.If you're a B*tch to me I'll be a B*tch back.
I was rasied around Dogs so I'm a dog lover,when I was 5,I met a cat for the first time(The cat scrached the hell out of me),I realized Cat weren't really my Forte'.When I get I get into collage(yeah I said "when"),I want to study to be a vet and a part time Author.I'm thinking about studying Marine Life.
When I was youger I heard a quote about soulmates,and how we're all destined to meet him/or her.So I'm gonna try to keep my eye out for him.
Current Stats:SINGEL
I know im young and still learning, so I know that i will need some constucive criticism to become a better writer...and typer.Feel free to coment me and friend me.(I'm crazy friendly:) )
sports(Even though I don't understand football,baseball,and Hockey.But I still like track,volleyball ect.,Maybe,I like it cause I played it..Maybe.:)
music(like paramore,ellie goulding,3oh3,ect.)
anime(i love naruto,and InYuYasha)
purple,gold,and silver
animals(except cats,they freak me out)
high-tops(best shoes ever)
horror,mystery,and romance books.
I'm crazy about mythical creatures
i LOVE horror movies(especally final destation1-4 and Saw.But I'm to scared to watch anything else.(For example Paranormal acitvity,I'm all bluff when it comes to that)
In my stories and books I will most likely write about hate(becouse i've experieced it),Love(cause It's what i want in the future),and Death(cause Sometimes Fear that all my friends and Family will die,And leave me behind)
Also I respect all poets,becouse recently I tried to write one and I was terrible.I will now try to stick to stories and books.
* I DON'T LIKE...*
I don't like much, I'm a pretty laid back person.


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Posted 10 Years Ago


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi, thanks for your friendship.

"Crown Court Censored Poet" (2009-2014)
Using Poetry I fought back against family racism, directed towards my newborn mixed race Daughter. Crown court then censored that poetry for five years.

The Elusive Mr Dunne

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Happy birthdayyyyy!!!!!! ^_^

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Happy Birthday!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

thank you

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Happy Birthday!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thank you for the friend request (which I accepted) lol... :D

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Posted 12 Years Ago


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Funny, same age, same state.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

hey guys.