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About Me

I'm 15 years old and I'm in high school. Like everyone in this site-- I also want to be a professional writer! It may or may not happen but I have a dream and I am passionate about writing so I know I will succeed!

At times, I get writer's block but that doesn't stop me. What I do is... rest and relax for a few minutes, read a novel to refresh my brain and ideas come flooding in!

To those writers who feels the same way about me when it comes to the world of englush literature, I wish you all the best of luck. We're not strangers but friends and colleagues who share the same sentiment.

-Ang€la €vaN$!



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Posted 14 Years Ago

Alright. Get plenty of rest!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Yeah, I'm in my history right now. Probably won't get a big chance to talk much.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Isn't that overly dramatic, Sam? LOL! Sorry ghost of Sam, i was asleep. Time difference between out cities, DUH! But don't worry, read my chapter 1. You'll be reincarnated!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey.............. Angel.................................... need.....................more......................Guardian of the mind................... is *gasp*......... death

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey you guys~! I'd appreciate it if you'd review my stories and if you dun mind rate it too? Absolutely appreciate it!! You guys are AWESOME~!!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Timeless joy

Every joy you've experienced, even years and years ago, is still with you. Time and events can take away the conditions and surroundings of that joy, yet they can never take away the joy itself.
Joy has no need of being remembered, for it is always with you. All you have to do is allow it to fill your heart, and it will.

The terrain will change, the colors will fade, the sounds will grow silent and other experiences will take their place. Yet the joy is always as fresh and new, as sweet and revitalizing as ever.

Even when memories grow dim, the joy will shine ever more brightly. For joy is truly timeless.

Put joy into your life and it will always be there. The more often you let it touch you and fill you, the more of it there will be.

Put joy into your moments and create value that you can always draw upon. Spread joy to others and you give a gift that will keep on giving, over and over again.

-- Ralph Marston