Angel Marie Antoinette

Angel Marie Antoinette


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The City of blah, MD
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About Me

I'm 26 going on 16, not immature, just insecure like a bare foot child lost in the jungle I'm map-less, but hopeful that I'll figure it out one day, when I learn to cross that highway I call my mind it'll be alright. I'm resourceful, amusing, outgoing with a shyness that springs up sometimes like a case of the sniffles- bold, brave, aloof and afraid, humble but sometimes snobby, know-it-all still learning the game, friendly as kind sunshine, but cold to the touch, independent but stuck in routine, cheerful, but numb between, worrying between dreams, intuitive about everything but me, loving girl with chonic indiffference it seems, a socializing loner, asexual in love with herself, future new age single mother, who lives for the words, thoughts, and an unused piece of flesh I call a womb.

Well this is the closest I've gotten to a bio since I joined WC more than a year ago. I believe in harsh truths and beautiful lies and that one day I'll be mother of a God.


I don't think I'm leaving the site per se, but some could say I had left it months ago. It's hard to tell because there were things that disconnected me from the people I love on this site..long before the webs that bound us vanished into the night. I'm likely not the only one who feels like if there was anything that would have been accidently removed it could have been the layout and we would have cared less.

I'm really...REALLY beginning to hate Social Networking in the form that it has become as of late. Why any of us would want this site to become the next myspace facebook w***e, I don't know. I have not been shaken by the death of the content here, I think because the changes had hardened my heart with trying to get around this site.

anyways... I'm keeping in touch and once i find more free time i'll explain more.


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Posted 12 Years Ago


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Posted 14 Years Ago

I competely empathise with you (the little end bit at your profile) I felt along the same lines, I've only come back a couple of days ago after like 4 years =/

Hope all is well with you Miss!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I miss you here :(

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey woman! How are you?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I thank you for the review, my good friend. Look for my own words of opinion on yer page soon.

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Aww. I miss the old WC. Just read your bio and it made me kinda sad.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Wow. This place really just up and died, didn't it?

Where's the life that was once here? What the hell killed it all so suddenly?

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

We shall soon see one another. After a yr's time. I know. It's funny. Doesn't even seem like a year's gone by.

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

A hug to ya from moi. Miss your words.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks, my friend. I know I needed to hear that. Though this made me wanna give the writing a rest for a while, it was never all that serious of a thing to expect out of myself. I thought about it last night, long and hard, I though about it. It'd be like an alchoholic qutting when there's a constant supply of hooch in the kitchen cabinets. I cannot possibly thank you for your words.

The best I can say is thank you, and don't apologize to me.

You've always been a great and understanding friend. I can't expect anyone who aint going through a thing to totally understand what my feelings may be. Even though, you helped me feel better, believe it or not. It may not have seemed like it, but you drained a little of the monstrous rage when we spoke. Between you and Ivy and Jamie, along with two of my best friends, my Mama, and my brothers and sister, the rage has fallen quite a bit in the last 24 hours. Believe me.

I can't thank you enough, so I'll just say Thank You.

You know I mean it.
Get impossible as it may seem, I used this day off to dig as hard as I could for my "lost" work. It was one hell of a search and dig, but I managed to recover about thirty pieces today. Between today and tomorrow, which I also have off, I'll have a fourth of them back. I'll let you know how it's going, as time goes by. This didn't even occur to me until I thought outside of my rage, and lemme tell you, I most def was RAGE.

I'm feeling a lot better, now.

Bit by bit, things will get better. I'll never trust a site again in my life, but I've decided that I wanna learn from this. I have.

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.