Anmarie : Writing

Still Trying To Forgive

Still Trying To Forgive

A Poem by Anmarie

You were my one and only.My dear lover.My safety net.I loved you so much.I loved you more than you could ever imagine.You made so many promises, but n..
Friends Are Always Friends

Friends Are Always Friends

A Poem by Anmarie

A poem I made
Friends Are Amazing

Friends Are Amazing

A Poem by Anmarie

A poem I made
Negative Emotions We Have

Negative Emotions We Have

A Poem by Anmarie

Anger and deceit.Sadness and pain.All these negative emotions us humans go through.Whether it’s from friends who betrayed us or from love relati..
Dull Night

Dull Night

A Poem by Anmarie

A very short poem.
Some Friends

Some Friends

A Poem by Anmarie

A poem I wrote awhile ago
Advice I Should Of Took

Advice I Should Of Took

A Poem by Anmarie

Just a poem I made
I Miss You

I Miss You

A Poem by Anmarie

A poem I made


A Poem by Anmarie

Just a poem I came up with while working. Hope people don't get offended with this poem.