A Poem by John
In a little while, you can run back home in stylebut for now you just sit there and shake,along with your stuffed cats and birds and dogs and snakes,S..
A Poem by John
Mother dearest,
I know you tried,
to chip and mould
away my lies.
And though I can't
ever find the words,
I'm sorry that I
made you hurt.
A Poem by John
Don't smoke that, it gives you cancer,
have a Big Mac, that's the answer.
Or try this pill, you'll feel just fine,
it's legal as long as the doctor..
A Poem by John
Amidst the fields of grey and red,a golden helm sat on her head,and hid her beauty from the warand monsters from old, hidden lore.She marched upon the..
A Poem by John
I was partially inspired by another poet on this site and by going-ons in my life to write this piece. Hope you all enjoy,
A Poem by John
Just a few thoughts I'd like to put down.
A Poem by John
Is it inability,or disability,that allows menot to comfort?Wizened liesand alibies,tell-tale signsof coming hurt.To cringe awayfrom a soft handand not..
A Poem by John
Cracking, snapping,all the while,serrated edgesrape the tile,clicking, splitting,in my mind,backward thinkingall the time.Hidey hidey,why so shy?Come ..
A Poem by John
Just one visit is all I ask,a friendly face nothidden behinda snowy mask.Just one meal is all I needthat isn't cold and stiff,tiny portioned soupy cor..
A Story by John
Go hard, or go home, I guess.