About Me
So ive been doing a lot of free writing, allowing my mind to open up into the unknown. I practice as timed sessions. I write the time I start in my journal, listen to some sort of music. Preferably without word but more just grooves. Not your typical hip hop enviornment but what is typical anyways. I write as fast as i can whatever comes to mind to complete some sort of rhyme in my mind that goes perfectly with what im listening to. If you really wish to get into the understanding, read while listening to the album. Ive been trying to write my entrys down in places other than my journal so I dont loose them like I have before. However, my time does not allow for too much spare time to copy so I get kinda behind. My goal in this is purely a personal intellectual journey. I wish to one day have the ability to use free form ability in my music as that is where im gearing my mind towards. I can honestly say I dont really care what anyone has to say about it but constuctive critisism is always a good thing for any musician. But the real deal is that this is me and came from me and its not you. Ive always been one that has been quick to anaylise things and it kinda dawned on me that I really have my own personal insite to offer this artistic enterprise. So my influence is rather to say,... if you feel like something could be changed then you should pick up a pen and paper and write out what you have to say. Remeber this is not me sitting down and thinking of every word and its meaning. This is more of a musical journey without saying a thing or playing a thing. It is having the ability to play my mind. Produce sounds only I can hear because lets face it...what do I want to hear? As a musician we are all just kids playing air guitar and that presents the blissfullness of the fact that kids playing air guitar never play a wrong note. ever. So why should I? I have to train my mind to keep up in everyday life and not just my subconsiousness. I hope people enjoy it and im not even quite sure what it all means but it sounds good to me. Andrew