Andy Ruffett

Andy Ruffett


Writing to stay alive.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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About Me

My name is Andy Ruffett and I love writing. It's been my passion and it always will be. My writing expands through me through many different ways such as through story telling. Sometimes my stories are realistic, other times it's just my curious imagination at work. With writing I can really express myself and sometimes just tell stories which I love to do. I try to make my writings somewhat realistic but not always. It depends WHAT I'm writing and what I FEEL like writing. When it comes to comments, I love feedback. Feedback always helps. I will never ask anyone to read anything of mine because everyone has such different views and I have written so much that I want people to CHOOSE what they want to read. The interest has to be there and with requests I limit choice. So please, enjoy anything I've written. Though I might not edit whatever it is you commented on right away, your comment always helps and it makes me think about my work in maybe a different light. So enjoy my stories, fantasies, and ideas on life. I seriously want to become a Novelist, everyone says this I know, and I'm really trying to write a book that would be publishable. Picking up a book that is bound in my name would be such a joy. Anyway, enough about me. What about you? WHO are you and what made you come across my work? What's the interest? If any.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thank you, Andy, for the four recent comments on my reviews of your poems 1 year ago. I hope you are doing OK, nice to hear from you.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thank you, Andy, first and foremost, for offering your friendship...second, Thank you for your heart felt review on my poem, Strands Of Thought, it means the world, to me.

I agree, its best to be child like, but not childish...I am grateful for your insight. Please, give me time to read your arts of work.


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Posted 13 Years Ago


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Posted 13 Years Ago

thanks for the reveiw! and there's not really any meaning behind the name, I just named him that